Monday, October 4, 2010


The worst.
I'm driving to school today have a grand time, 'cause overall, I like to drive.
Just the whole feeling of it all.
The sense of, man, I can go wherever I want right now.
But all of a sudden, you hit that chick talking on her cell phone, doing 5 miles under the limit.
That shit really pisses me off.
I'm doing a steady 43 or 44 on a 40.
Feeling good.
Then that bitch has to come and ruin your fun.
Shit sucks, bro. 


  1. Yeah man, I feel you. Slow drivers suck.

  2. I know what you mean :) also old people are fucking anoying when they are dreaming and they have all the time in the world... If someone is on the phone and it is potential that police is near or that it is near public place and just slowing down everyone I usualy horn for arounf 5 sec then do that again if nothing happens xD

  3. well she could be doing worse, driving really fast AND talking on her cell phone... beware...

  4. Mann, slow drivers are the worst..

  5. I can't drive yet ): I'm sure i'll feel your pain tho. Check my blog out bro (:

  6. I loathe people who drive while talking on their cell phones. Loathe.

  7. I wish I could drive around with a paintball gun or a batch of rotten eggs or something to throw at idiot drivers. Nothing worse than a bad/inconsiderate driver.

  8. thats why i say we all need hood-mounted missile launchers...

  9. I hate slow drivers as well. You should just cut in front of her and speed down :D that'll teach her

  10. Distracted drivers are the worst. She probably had no idea what happened either.

  11. You hit someone? XD
    Or was this just a false scenario you made up to convey your hatred for driving?

  12. Distracted people who almost run me over when I'm walking make me rage.

  13. lol, sorry that sucks! But I'm supporting your blog and that should make things better :)

  14. Slow drivers blow. I say fuck em, hit n runs erry day

  15. You're really mother fucking gay. You said you hate driving in general
