Thursday, October 14, 2010


I've been trying to get my sleeping pattern back in line.
I'm having trouble waking up, though.
I have night classes so I have no need to wake up early, but I feel as if I'm wasting so much time sleeping.
So I instead of going to sleep at the usual 2:00 or 3:00 I went to sleep at 12:00 and 11:00 a couple days ago.
BUT I woke up at the SAME TIME as usual.
I don't know if it's just me, but it's starting to bother me more and more.
Should I just give up and sleep late again?
Why do I keep waking up at the same time if I'm constantly going to sleep earlier?! >:o
I don't know man, shit sucks.


  1. My sleeping schedule is also fucked up.

  2. I've managed to readjust mine, it takes a few days of waking/sleeping a few hours later each time though. I did that until I was getting up at normal hours

  3. get a job? you'll be too tired to do anything but sleep after class

  4. yeah it takes a while to get back in cycle

  5. I have no problems sleeping, besides that I sleep way too long.

  6. Your body is used to it. It will take time to adjust. Like... 1 day per 30 minute shift in time. I used to travel internationally a lot back and forth between time zones, and it royally messed up my bioclock. So, I have ways to deal with it. But... if waking up earlier is your problem, try taking 4 Chromium Piccolinate tablets with 2 glasses of water before bed. You will probably wake up earlier and better energized.

  7. just stay up all night and then day and fall asleep when you think a good time is.

  8. Like the comment a couple above me, it will take time to adjust. If you have any allergie pills like benycil, take those and a warm glass of milk and it will get you ;)

  9. if you had to wake up early, then your sleeping would reset in a few days

  10. I'm so bad at keeping mine in a pattern that has any syntax whatsoever

  11. force yourself to wake up at a specific time for a few days regardless of what time you went to sleep?

  12. Eat a big meal at the time you want to wake up... it will reset your body clock... i tried it, and it worked...

  13. same thing happens to me

  14. yea my sleep is all messed up too. feels bad :/

  15. Yeah getting a bad sleep schedule is the worst.

  16. man, it's hard to get back on a good sleeping schedule, especially if you've been off it for a while

  17. i think i have a lifehack on my page on how to reset your biological clock :') check it

  18. Try the uberman sleep schedule, unless you're some sort of pussy
